BEHIND THE SCENES: Pattern Language of Cubus Awards

A pattern of maple and white awards
Pattern language - what is it and how does it inspire our awards?

Pattern language was introduced in the 1977 book A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction authored by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein of the Center for Environmental Structure of Berkeley, California, with writing credits also to Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King and Shlomo Angel.

Pattern language is an architectural language derived from timeless entities called patterns. The language consists of 253 patterns. Patterns describe a problem and then offer a solution. In doing so the authors intend to give ordinary people, not only professionals, a way to work with their neighbors to improve a town or neighborhood, design a house for themselves or work with colleagues to design an office, workshop, or public building such as a school.

The style of patterns inspires TROPHYOLOGY's simple and sleek designs.
We aren't saying Cubus can tell you how to build a school, but you can sure honor a well-built school with a well-built award!

Isn't this aerial shot beautiful?


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