[Award] Design Matters

[Award] Design Matters

Posted by Eva Schone on

You’ll hear us talk a lot at TROPHYOLOGY about the value of recognition and appreciation. Indeed, promoting the amazing powers of expressing gratitude is one of our missions.

Today, we want to tell you a little more about what we believe our distinctive contribution is to a culture of recognition.

With our company’s roots in the realm of architecture, we understand and value just how much the spaces in which we live and work can support and enhance our creativity and productivity through thoughtful design. With all of us working so much, the quality of the spaces in which we work matters even more. Many of us are becoming more selective about the items we surround ourselves with in our workspaces; we curate our offices and desks carefully. One of the positive side effects of this is that we are happier at work when we put our own stamp on our space.

Recognition pieces, from awards to milestone gifts, are significant and important objects on many office shelves and desks. They are meaningful reminders of happy memories that can energize our work. We see these recognition pieces frequently, making great design all the more important. A beautiful and high-quality award or plaque is certainly more pleasing to look at than the many generic pieces with which we are all too familiar. Displaying a well-designed award lets us share our achievement elegantly and with pride. The award is now not only an appropriate reflection of the caliber of the achievement, it is also elevated to a beautiful office accessory that is in line with the context of our workspace. In addition, like anything beautiful, it stokes our creativity.

Finally, remember that the awards or milestone gifts your employees displaycommunicate values about your organization. They affirm your identity to your employees, your clients, and other visitors. Wouldn’t it be nice if the message these objects send is in alignment with your company’s values and identity?

Image: Hoke Residence designed by Skylab Architecture

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