SPOTLIGHT: Recognition Plaques for the Austin Energy Green Building Cool House Tour

SPOTLIGHT: Recognition Plaques for the Austin Energy Green Building Cool House Tour

Posted by Eva Schone on

We are so happy to find one of our award plaques we custom designed for Austin Energy Green Building on the cover of this year’s Cool House Tour catalog. Thanks for that nice surprise.

The tour takes places this Sunday, June 8th from 10am to 6pm. It’s the 18th year of the tour – impressive. Austin Energy Green Building and the Texas Solar Energy Society collaborated again with building owners to open the doors of eleven buildings to the general public. The buildings are “designed and built to high standards of energy efficiency, comfort and attractive design”. The catalog promises a variety of architectural styles which we find exciting.

Speaking of variety, adaptability was one of our prime considerations when we designed the award plaques. We wanted the plaques to look equally good on a minimalist modern home as on a traditional Mediterranean mansion, for example, or on a contemporary high-rise or a modest bungalow. We paired walnut and stainless steel for their timeless elegance and durability. The walnut is treated with a zero VOC finish that is suitable for exterior applications. We are very proud to have already fabricated over 200 of these plaques. Many thanks to Mark Macek and his team for the always beautiful wood work.

Did you know that Austin Energy Green Building was the first Green Building Program in the nation when it was founded in 1990? I have worked as an architect with AEGB on projects in the rating system and I can attest to the fact that it is indeed a great achievement to reach a 4 or 5 star rating for a building, especially in the commercial sector. That’s just one more reason why we are so pleased that we are able to assist AEGB in honoring building owners’ commitment to sustainability with our high-quality and locally handcrafted recognition plaques. We’ve even been told that our plaques have added a real sense of a reward to the program and that makes us very happy.

Happy touring!


Tickets can be purchased at Zinger Hardware.

Cover photo by Thomas McConnell

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